WordPress Classifieds Plugin


With this plugin, you will be able to add a Classifieds Advertising for Personals, Auto or Business in to your wordpress blog.

Installing the plugin:

Please test the plugin with your theme on a develop machine or a local machine, if the test is successful install it on the production machine.
Click here to download the:
1) last release (classifieds Page in one column) or you may check out a working copy over HTTP.
svn checkout http://svn.wp-plugins.org/wp-classified/trunk/

2) Extract the zip files
3) Upload folder to your site (./wp-content/plugins/wp-classified)
Public Directory
You also have to create an a public directory under wp-content (the public folder must have write permission)
and create the following directories and chmod them to 777 (writable by the webserver.)

4) Login to the administration and go to “admin panel/plugins” and activate the plugin
5) Go to the “Manage” tab of your WP. You have now there a new tab called “WP-Classified Admin”.

6) Go into the Manage — wpClassified —
7) Click on “Add Category”
8) Categories are the MAIN sections of your classifieds. For example, Autos For Sale

9) Now that you have a category, click on “Add List” under the Add/Edit Categories menu.
10) Create a list and then choose its parent category.

Lists are your subsections on your classifieds. For example, “Trucks” would be a list whose parent category would be “Autos For Sale.”
Unless you create lists under your categories, you won’t see a thing on your classified page.

Configure the plugin

Make sure the folder images have the correct writing permissions.

You will need to make the following folders writeable (chmod 777) :

– wp-content/plugins/wp-classified/cache

Add a public directory and upload the images public resources (the public folder must have write permission)

– wp-content/public/wp-classified/

If you upgrade from 1.3 to 1.4 please move all public images  form the folder wp-content/plugins/wp-classified/images into the wp-content/public/wp-classified/

Uninstalling the plugin

For uninstalling deactivate the plugin in the WordPress admin menu and delete the wp-classified directory from the /wp-content/plugins/ directory and the page and tables, which are installed by the plugins with drop table in phpMyAdmin.


I create and tested on WordPress version 2.3.2 on default and unchanged Permalink structure.
The plugin works successfully with the latest version of wordpress 2.7.


wpClassified version 1.3


Upgrade Instructions

  1. Deactivate the plugin from your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Backup Database tables *_wpClassified_* and files.
  3. Upload the files to your /wp-content/plugins/ folder and overwrite the existing file.
  4. Activate the plugin from your WordPress admin panel.
  5. Please Note: in ‘Classified Options‘ page in admin interface, check that all the required fields are filled in and save!

Questions and Examples of Use

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why the main site gives me the 404 or Not Found error message

This is a .htaccess 404 error message and you should update your .htaccess file in the wordpress root directory.

Q: Who can I collapse the categories as default instead of expanded as default.

Open the file ./includes/main_tpl.php in your favorite text editor.
Edit line: ca. 34
update the ’showAll();’ to ‘hideAll();’
That’s all ;)

Q: I would like to put the last ads in my sidebar. is it possible?

Inside the wordpress admin ‘Design’ menu, ‘Widgets’ submenu, add the wpCalssifieds widget to your blog where you want, then save the changes.

To support Permalink structure:

Normally you should not edit the htaccess, the Permalink link will be detect by plugin automatically.
The htaccess is a way to add the category name to the url or display the post title in the blog url.

This is an example for .htaccess file to redirect to wpClassified for the people who use ‘ /%category%/%postname%/’ as permalink structure
Please open the .htaccess file in the wordpress root folder in your favorite editor and look for line

RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

and replace it with:

#RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
RewriteRule !^(classified)/ /index.php [L]
RewriteRule ^classified/([^/\(\)]*)/?  /index.php?pagename=classified [QSA,L,R,NS]

May be by using  the ‘/%postname%’ or ‘/%category%/%postname%/’ as permalink structure the plugin must work correctly and you do not need change anything.

Q: Warning: imageftbbox() [function.imageftbbox]: Could not read font?

Enable the GD and FreeType Support in php configuration or unselect the ‘Show the confirmation code’ check box  in admin interface

Some words about permission:
if the people post as anonymous, they are identify by their IP address.
Is the IP address a dynamical address, then they get lost after a while and their edit permission.


Changes 1.4 – January 17/01/2009
– January 18/01/2009 fix for Internet Explorer and xampp

– fixed for plugin auto-upgrade
Note: This bugfix release hove to install Manually.
– fixed for the plugin auto-upgrade. (must test with the next coming version)
– moved directories public resources to wp-content

Changes 1.3.1-b – February 09/02/2009
– modify to approve posts before they are published
– fixed the problem with re-size of thumbs images

Changes 1.3.1-a – January 25/01/2009
– update to cover changes between WP-Version  2.6 and 2.7
– fixed the widget control

Changes 1.3.0-a – October 13/10/2008
– Modify to expanded and collapses the Categories
– Modify to show the last post in footer

Changes in 1.3 – September 10/2008
– Update to display-style classified ads in one column
– Added the ad images viewer
– Allowed more images per ad
– All the pages using templates
– Added style sheet for page layout


– comments on individual listings/ads?
– implement the paid service and pay pal options?
– preventing the Bad languages


    • wpclassified@forgani.com


    (Please include wpclassified in the subject of your email.)

161 Comments on “WordPress Classifieds Plugin

  1. Hi, I’m getting the following error code under the User Admin section.

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_wpc_user_field() in /home/.dazy/marginal/montaukyouth.org/wp-content/plugins/wp-classified/settings.php on line 657

    I am unable to add posts to the classified.

    line 657 in file settings.php
    update and change to the
    $namefield = $wpClassified->get_user_field();

  2. BUGFIX    -> WP_Classified::handle_pagetitle

    <b>FIND line 87 in wpClassified.php file</b>
    update ->’handle_pagetitle'<- and CHANGE TO page_handle_pagetitle

    Here’s the correct changes:
    add_filter(“single_post_title”, array(&$wpClassified,”page_handle_pagetitle”));

    Replace all files:

    I just Upgraded to WordPress 2.9. Please download the plugin again and replace the complete
    files (13 Jan 11:00 UTC)

  3. I’m trying to install your plugin but everytime Wp gives me back an error message like this: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /web/htdocs/www.puntoacapo.info/home/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wp-classified/language/lang_it.php on line 181
    What can I do?
    I’m using Wp 2.9.1. Thank you in advance.

    remove the line

  4. Hi
    I just upload the version 1.4 that fix the problem with the wordpress plugin auto-upgrade.
    Note: This bugfix release hove to install Manually.

    – fixed for the plugin auto-upgrade. (must test with the next coming version)
    – moved directories public resources to wp-content

    January 18/01/2009 fix for Internet Explorer and xampp

  5. I’m having the same problem I’ve seen others are having — when a new ad is submitted it gives an error “Email is Required”. I’ve tried all the options that others have reported trying but nothing seems to help.

    version 1.4
    January 18/01/2009 fixed for Internet Explorer and xampp

  6. Hi great tool,

    but I got the following error “Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, ‘wpclassified_admin_page’ was given in /kunden/265321_50354/webseiten/bwkendenich/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 339″
    Is there any workaround?

    –> Which wp version are you using?

    many thanks in advance

  7. The function.call-user-func-array Problem
    I´m using WordPress 2.9.1.

    PLEASE remove the line 112 starting with [add_management_page($this->menu_name, …]
    from the file ./plugins/wp-classified/wpClassified.php

    I hope it’s fixed now.
    It was a bug! I updated the code on SVN. Thanks.

  8. Hello Mohamed!
    Thanks for your efforts!
    One question, I’d like to set a user as an “admin” or “moderator” , however, I’m not able to change the preference it always comes back as “user”. I’m using WP 2.8.4
    Please help us,

    Thanks Nicolas E.

    –>Good point. Well, i don’t know for sure.I think that this maybe is a bug or the plugin is not compatible. This weekend I will run some test cases to find the causes of the problem.

  9. I got it all installed, but when I go to add a item, I am getting the following error.  Went through your notes, but did not see any clean answer on that.


    Webpage error details
    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
    Timestamp: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 04:46:22 UTC

    Message: ’email’ is undefined
    Line: 165
    Char: 1
    Code: 0
    URI: http://ghhc.com/ghhc/?page_id=25&_action=pa&lid=2

  10. hi tchipman,
    missing the submit button and the footer on posting page. The working copy might be broken.
    you please download and install it again.

  11. I installed it on my site but pagination is not working.
    I set the number of aximum ads per page to 10 but it is still showing more than 10.

  12. Having tried two of this person’s plugins I have had to say that they simply don’t work, or else are not suitable for offering to the public.   The time that it took to fix our site after installing them was about two hours work.  DO NOT USE THEM

  13. Salaam Mohammad,

    I tried installing the plugin but after working successfully for about two minutes, it suddenly stopped showing categories and lists and deleted my right sidebar from the page. When do you think you will release the next automatic wordpress version? Any suggestions to fix this? I’d love to run it, but it just won’t work now.



  14. Salaam Mohammad,

    It turns out that when I clear my cache, the ads show up. Is there an easy fix for this? Maybe one file I can upload to make it stop doing this? I’m on a very slow connection and can’t ftp easily. Anyone else have this issue?

  15. Thanks for providing useful & wonderful Plugin. The problem occurred when I attempted to change user permission at Users Admin Screen. Registered users in my blog are properly listed there but once I’ve changed permission by using pulldown menu from User to Administrator and saved the setting, it won’t take effect. I checked it many times but the user permission status stays only as User. Do you have any ideas? Thank you in advance.

  16. Hi Forgani,

    I’ve installed WP Classifieds in my site (http://www.nbarros.net/?page_id=710) and customized into Portuguese.
    When I try to create a new ad, after clicking “Guardar anuncio” (same as “Save ad”), it only shows an empty page and in the wp-classifieds administration panel there is no ad at all. Also I do not receive any email confirming that the ad was created.

    I’m using WP 2.9.2 and wp-classifieds 1.4.1

    Can you give me any help solving this problem?

    Thanks and regards.

  17. Hi njrbarros,
    Please check errors given in the apache error log.
    you please check the
    public directory and upload the images public resources (the public folder must have write permission)
    – wp-content/public/wp-classified/

  18. sources are currently being updated and fixed the activation process in administrator Interface.
    download and replace admin.php file

  19. Hi- Just installing the classifieds plugin- firstly, thank you very much for what looks like it is going to be an excellent plugin!

    I have read your installation guide and have changed wp-classified/cache to 777 but when i go to  the initial settings in settings and options- i see this
    Directory CheckerCheck Directory Permission ! =>/home/scrapcra/public_html/flowernetwork/wp-content/public/wp-classified/
    Are there supposed to be further permission changes? and if so, what are they to be?
    Many thanks.

    Do you create a public directory under WP-CONTENT?
    You also have to create a public directory under wp-content (the public folder must have write permission)
    and create the following folder and chmod them to 777 (writable by the webserver.)

    e. g.
    cd /home/scrapcra/public_html/flowernetwork/wp-content
    mkdir -p public/wp-classified; chmod -R 777 public

  20. Why don’t you just REMOVE this plug-in from the WordPress site if you’re not going to develop it anymore! Total waste of space to park an obvioulsy ABANDONED and  USELESS plug-in in the repository. OR turn it over so it can be further  developed by someone who gives a damn.

  21. Hi David,
    The plugin belongs to creator. Also it’s his own Issue what to do with it.
    If you do not like this plugin, you can search and find the same plugins for wordpress or other blogs platforms.

    As it was indicated in the readme of the plugin, you tested first and then installed if the test was successful otherwise you can only report the bug.

  22. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\Users\Tiago\Desktop\EasyPHP5.3.0\www\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\wp-classified\settings.php on line 553

    in update users, help plz…

    /* FIX as fllowed 
    * line 553 - 559
    if (isset($_POST["user_info"])){
       foreach ($_POST["user_info"] as $k=>$v){
       $wpdb->query("update {$table_prefix}wpClassified_user_info set ".implode(", ", $update)." where user_info_user_ID='".$id."'", ARRAY_A);
  23. this is weird…I turned off some plugins and now the list shows but how do submit an ad? 


  24. If the plugin appearing DOUBLE on the page to fix the problem please open the file includes/_rss.php in a text editor comment out these lines ca. 42 – 47
    if (empty($wp)) {

    I have been fixed the issue in svn.

  25. Hello,

    I am using facebook like and send buttons on my page and they are programmed to share a excerpt on facebook, issue is that i get this syntax shared on facebook: [[WP_CLASSIFIED]]

    Is there a way to fix that?. When i removed it from title then system just created a new site with it in place again..


  26. facebook humm!
    I had not thought about it. I keep trying to find a solution to this problem.
    Or I will integrate things like Facebook “Like” buttons for every post. (this weekend. Hop)

  27. Sounds like a good idea :)

    But I had to disable the plugin and go into it with some “investigation”, somehow it conflicts with BP Mag theme from buddydev.com.. In IE explorer some pages loose all style, only text and links is left back. And within BuddyPress members edit profile tables and sidebars moves to the bottom of page..

    I hope that buddydev.com also will look into this conflict


  28. Hi,

    I’ve just started to use wp_classifed and it works great.  

    I like to have a tooltip (jquery tooltip plugin) showing (image & text) when mouseover.  How can I do it?  I have some background in programming.

    Very much appreciated for help on my problem.

  29. I have installed this plugin on the latest version of WordPress 3.1.3
    My problem is that the main page to the classifieds is showing my wordpress version number
    “http://wordpress.org/?v=3.1.3” right on the same line as the search box.

    I have disabled the plugin until I can figure out why and stop this. 

    Any suggestions?

  30. For your information I have made a complete brush-up of the WP-Classified plugi-n. All the language hardcoding is change to a variable for own language. Also the design has got som fixes. I’ll send it to Forgani later so he may  launch it as  a version 1.4.3 or higher.

  31. @Angelo
    You may make a fast and dirty fix to get ridt of the “http://wordpress.org/?v=3.1.3″ underneath the breadcrump.

    /* Style Definitions */
    {mso-style-name:”Tabel – Normal”;
    mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;
    mso-fareast-font-family:”Times New Roman”;

    include_once (dirname(__FILE__).’/_rss.php’);)
    Arround line 56. Mark it out this way:

    /* Style Definitions */
    {mso-style-name:”Tabel – Normal”;
    mso-padding-alt:0cm 5.4pt 0cm 5.4pt;
    mso-fareast-font-family:”Times New Roman”;

    //include_once (dirname(__FILE__).’/_rss.php’);)

    This should do it.

  32. @Angelo: Place in your theme’s functions.php file and add these lines:

    // Remove Generator Completely

    function remove_wp_generator() {
    return ”;
    add_filter(‘the_generator’, ‘remove_wp_generator’);

    // if you want your own text to appear rather than removing it…do this:
    function my_custom_generator() {
    return ‘This is my custom text’;
    add_filter(‘the_generator’, ‘my_custom_generator’);

    // End Generator Completely

  33. i have the same problem of angelo .
    i have tried to fix it with your suggestions but i cant find what you write in the file WP-CLASSIFIED/INCLUDES/_FUNCTIONS.PHP

  34. I’m also getting a 404 error when I click on a list title. So I haven’t been able to test out posting capability because I can’t get into the list to post an ad. Any advice would be appreciated.

  35. I’ve installed WP_Classifyeds and it works like a charm :-)
    I’ve set it up to allow 6 pictures in the adds.
    I can upload 6 pictures but it only shows 3 pictures in the add :-(

    What can I do to fix this? HELP

    I run Classifieds version 1.4.2-a
    WordPress version 3.1.4  

    I can’t upgrade WP because there is other software running on the server that requires MySQL and PHP in specific versions

  36. hi,
    Im pretty new to wordpress. I have installed the plugin as the directions stated above and done the settings in the back office.
    I saw a URL in the settings, this is my classified URL right? When I click on it is says paid cannot be found.
    My question is, after installation and creating my categories what do I do next to view it on my blog?

  37. Hello,

    I’ve installed wp-classifieds in WP 3.2.1 and it work perfectly except for that any visitor of the web can edit the adds and even delete them.

    Thanks in advance

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