WordPress ODLinks Plugin Guide & Instructions

Open Directory Links (Website Directory Project) is a WordPress plugin.
ODLinks 1.4.3-a is now available.

last changes (May 2018)

last changes (15.03.2013 about: 15:00 GMT)
To display the latest xx ads in the sidebar,
you copy the following code and place it anywhere else in the sidebar.
<?php lastODLinksSidebar(8) ?>

last changes  (Today 07.03.2013 about: 15:00 GMT)
– implemented the page navigation functionality
– updated to uses the thumbshots.ru for the Website screenshots
The update fixes website’s search function. [not important!]
Save your local changes (you have any) and unzip the file and overwrite existing directories and files.


The plugin can help you to start a profitable website directory which is the same as the DMOZ.org directory.This plugin is under active development. If you experience problems, please first make sure you have installed the latest version. Feature requests, bug reports and comments can be submitted [here]
1) Click here to download the odlinks plugin last release

Installing the plugin:

1. Unzip the downloaded file and upload the odlinks folder to your WordPress plugins folder (/wp-content/plugins/)
2. Log into your WordPress admin panel
3. So go ahead and activate the ODLINKS plugin, which should appear in the list of installed plug-ins.
4. “ODLinks” will now be displayed in your admin panel.
5. For first step instructions, go to Options “Settings”

You will need to make the Smarty cache and template_c folders writable (chmod 777):
Use your FTP client to change its permissions to 777.
* odlinks/includes/Smarty/cache
* odlinks/includes/Smarty/templates_c

Once you have changed the folder permissions, return to your browser, and refresh it.
Now you can submit your settings. After submission, installer process will create the tables automatically.

For your information, after submitting the settings a new page will be created with the title [[odlinks]](in upper letters) .
This title will be also added to the content of pages automatically.
Do NOT remove the page. The plugin work correctly with this page ID.
Please, you should keep the default title[[odlinks]] (in upper letters) of page to make it to work…

To uninstall and deactivate the plugin, please go to Options “uninstall” under ODLinks menu.

6. Creating/Editing a category and subcategory
– Before deploying, you should create and set-up the categories and subcategories for your Website.
– Go aheead and choose “Categories” from the ODLinks drop down menu and insert the category name and category description and then submit it.
– You can insert the subcategories by clicking on ‘Add Category’ and choosing any category name from the list in parent category. If you select root as parent category, then you create a main category.
– Create a subcategory is mandatory and required!

Depending on the “Permalink Settings” it’s possible for some pages that the categories urls are not accessible.
To fix this problem you should go to update the .htaccess file which is exised under wordpress top directory.

Normaly if you click on categories you will get something like this:

If insteaed of the “/odlinks/” somthing elses is placed for example “/97-revision-v1/”
you can upadte your the .htaccess file as follows:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteRule ^97-revision-v1/?([^/]*)?/?(.*)$ /index.php?pagename=odlinks=$1=$2 [QSA,L,R,NS]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

How can we display the latest xx ads in the sidebar?

You copy the following code and place it anywhere in the sidebar.php located in active theme folder.
<?php lastODLinksSidebar(8) ?>


This guide will show you the step by step process for first installation/configuring



Test ODLinks (Open Directory Links)   OR  odlinks.com

Questions and Examples of Use

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why the main site gives me the 404 or Not Found error message or I cannot see the “Submitt a link”?

This usually occurs only when using a custom permalink structure (like /%category%/%postname%/).
This is a .htaccess 404 error message and you should update your .htaccess file in the WP root directory.

Normally you should not edit the htaccess, the Permalink link will be detect by plugin automatically.

Please install the CURL module for PHP.


178 Comments on “WordPress ODLinks Plugin

  1. آقای فرقانی من تنظیمات فایل
    رو اعمال کردم ولی این با تغییرات پرمالینک که قبلا انجام داده بودم تداخل پیدا می کنه , چه باید بکنم؟

  2. Can not get the top Google ad box to work or delete it.  Is there a fix to make this work or delete it so it does not show a blank box on my site?  I really do like this plugin, but the empty box looks bad to my users.

  3. Thanks for feedback. It is a bug and  I found some other bugs with the latest version of wordpress and I will try to fix them this weekend.
    To remove the Google ad box, please open ./wp-content/plugins/odlinks/themes/default/header.tpl in a plain text editor and remove the google ads.  Sorry I forgot to remove ads code from svn.

  4. Sverything is default setting and installation.
    Smarty changed to 777.

    You can view these two pages to see the error

    I pasted the setting page in to this window hopefully can see it, if not is is default.

    Thank you for the help..

    odlinks Version:

    WordPress Version:

    odlinks URL:

    odlinks Slug:

    Display odlinks credit line at the bottom of ODLinks pages

    ODLinks Page Link Name:

    Number Of ‘Last Links’:

    Display ‘Last Links’ Post.

    string exceeded length:

    Count of new/updated links show in footer:

    Count of subcategories under each category:

    Count of links under each category:

    number of links per page to display in categories:

    Top Image:
    accept.png addtopic.jpg asc.png back.png ban.jpg ban.png camera.gif delete.png desc.png edit.gif edit.png favourite.gif folder.gif link.jpg new.jpg odl.gif odlinks.gif ok.gif pixel.gif pixel.png pr.gif pr0.gif pr1.gif pr10.gif pr2.gif pr3.gif pr4.gif pr5.gif pr6.gif pr7.gif pr8.gif pr9.gif question.png refer.gif rss.png
    images from plugins/odlinks/images directory

    Show the confirmation code:

  5. hi
    i am trying to add the last added section to the main side bar of the Twenty Ten 1.0 theme. but i see the code instead of the result.

    {if $new_links}
    {$odl_lang.ODL_LAST} {$linksNum} {$odl_lang.ODL_POSTED}
    {foreach from=$new_links item=item key=key}
    {$item.title} ({$item.category} [{$item.date}]) 
    {/foreach} {/if}

    can some one help me please?

    thanks in advance

  6. To add the last added section to the sidebar :

    you can create a file called functions.php (if not exists) and put it the following function.
    or you can put the function in the siderbar.php

    function last_odlinks_sidebar($num=8){
    global $wpdb;
    $tp = $wpdb->prefix;
    $sql=”SELECT * FROM {$tp}odlinks l, {$tp}odcategories c
    WHERE l.l_c_id = c.c_id AND l.l_hide=’visible’
    ORDER BY l.l_date DESC, l.l_title DESC LIMIT 0, “. $num;
    echo ‘<ul>’;
    for ($l=0; $l<count($lastAds); $l++){
    $titleLink = odl_create_link_by_title($result->c_title);
    echo ‘<li><a href=”‘ . $result->l_url . ‘” rel=”nofollow”>’. $result->l_title . ‘</a></li>’;   
    echo ‘</ul>’;

    and add it anywhere else in the sidebar.

    <?php  last_odlinks_sidebar(8) ?>;

  7. If the plugin appearing DOUBLE on the page to fix the problem please open the file includes/odl_rss.php in a text editor comment out these lines 42 – 47
    if (empty($wp)) {

    I have been fixed the issue in svn.

  8. I’ve installed the plugin and it is working great for the most part. I do have one problem however and see it duplicated in your demo. When you go to submit a link it always sets the category to the parent category you were in. That didn’t bother me so much, but when you click to change the category the order that the category and subcategories are listed in are in relation to the order you entered them in. So my subcategories aren’t always under the correct parent category. Again you can see this in your own demo. For example if you try to submit a link to Children and Teens : Drawing & Coloring, Drawing & Coloring shows up under Animals & Farm Supplies.

    oops, NOT GOOD. I will fixed it now
    Sorry, this was happened by doing some small changes on skin. (is finished)
    I fixed the problem and I just uploaded the file to SVN. Please download and replace the files.
    many thanks for your feedback

  9. Cool thanks for the quick response. It works! :) Only other small bug I saw in the last version and this version is that the Title at the top of the directory tries to put the &lt;strong&gt; inside the title of the a href tag that is in the h1 tag. Thanks again for your work!

  10. Hello, i just installed the lates Links-Open Directory pluging, after adding categories and subcategories  i am getting all the subcategories displaying on the  top, i try changin it  at the setting,  but it does no change  even after daleting  all files in  cache  folder and templates_c.
    by create the subcategories, I assume you forgot to choice the “Parent category
    and you create them in the root.

  11. Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me if there are any plans in place to make the links in the directory url friendly? Right now they look like this: odlinks/?_action=main&id=1&parent=0 but I don’t think search engines index these pages because it really doesn’t have a page. Is there any way it can be changed to something like: odlinks/index.php?_action=main&id=1&parent=0 or better yet: odlinks/category_name


  12. I made the french lang file.
    You can find it there :  http://www.chantdeleau.com/forum/uploads/lang_fr.phps

    I’ve got a question about the url rewrite wich doesn’t work for me.

    My permalinks structure is like this : /%category%/%postname%.html

    I’ve made the change in the htaccess file. It looks like that now but it doesn’t work  at all :

    # BEGIN WordPress
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    RewriteRule !^(classified|odlinks)/ /index.php [L]RewriteRule odlinks/([^/\(\)]*)/?([^/\(\)]*)/?([^/\(\)]*)/? /index.php?partenariat/annuaire-de-liens-aquariophiles=odlinks&_action=$1&id=$2&parent=$3 [QSA,L,R,NS]
    # END WordPress
    Another problem : I don’t know why ODlinks create a new link like that :  http://www.mywebsite/featured/2687-revision.html?_action=postlink&id=1&parent=0
    This ” featured” page doesn’t exist on my website. But the number “2687” is the page directory id number .

    My directory links : http://www.chantdeleau.com/partenariat/annuaire-de-liens-aquariophiles Have-you got any solution ?
    Thanks !


    change to:

    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    #RewriteRule . /home/ [L]

    # try to get the first two lines,
    RewriteRule !^(partenariat/annuaire-de-liens-aquariophiles)/ /home/ [L]
    RewriteRule ^partenariat/annuaire-de-liens-aquariophiles/([^/\(\)]*)/?([^/\(\)]*)/?([^/\(\)]*)/? /index.php?pagename=odlinks [QSA,L,R,NS]
    # If you don’t get the result, then
    RewriteRule !^(partenariat\/annuaire-de-liens-aquariophiles)/ /home/ [L]
    RewriteRule ^(partenariat\/annuaire-de-liens-aquariophiles)/([^/\(\)]*)/?([^/\(\)]*)/?([^/\(\)]*)/? /index.php?pagename=odlinks [QSA,L,R,NS]

    # END WordPress

  13. Hi, I recently installed your plugin, but it shows me the image of
    introduced in the web directory, only shows the banner to thumbshots.com (imagecoming soon), is necessary to activate some images to work? thanks

  14. *********************
    I assume that the pretty permalinks setting of your site based on “Month and name and …”
    Try to changes the permalinks setting as Custom Structure: “/%category%/%postname%/” and may be fixed the problem

    I am getting the 404 error, however when I change the .htaccess it breaks the entire web site loading correctly. Obviously, I am doing *something* wrong… ;)

    First, do you mean the .htaccess file in the domain root, in the /wordpress directory, or both?

    Second, I changed the slug to /links and have Wordprss installed in the /wordpress directory rather then the root, so I tried modifying the .htaccess to:
    #RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    RewriteRule !^(classified|links)/ /wordpress/index.php [L]
    RewriteRule links/([^/\(\)]*)/?([^/\(\)]*)/?([^/\(\)]*)/? /index.php?pagename=links [QSA,L,R,NS]

    The site is http://dev.windmastershill.org/ and ODLinks is at http://dev.windmastershill.org/links/

    – N

  15. **********
    remove all changes from the .htaccess file, what you just added for odlinks
    (restore the original .htaccess file)
    Yes, the permalink structure is month and name. I tried the /%category%/%postname%/ as you suggested and I still receive the 404 error.

  16. Nikulai: Normally you should not edit the htaccess, the Permalink link will be detect by plugin automatically.
    I cannot figure out why the url of your site “contain the escape character” and shows the link ‘/?s=?%20action=main’ instead of the ‘/links/?_action=main’ .

  17. Irs working now… not sure why… changed the odlinks Slug to /links/ and saved then saved the permalinks (without changing them) and saved the odlinks setting (again without changing them) and violla! all is well.

    Thanks for all the help!

  18. Hi,
    To fix thumbshots fotos:
    edit the file: theme/default/body.tpl and replace the line number: 48 with
    <a href=”{$item.url}” target=_blank><img border=1 src=”http://open.thumbshots.org/image.pxf?url={$item.url}”></a>&nbsp;</td>

  19. Hi thank you so much for the great plugin

    I was installed it it work well but i want to change the values of the width.
    Please how can i do it?

  20. Unter Yellow Pages you will find your Directory with the following error…
    Warning: Missing argument 1 for odlfblike() in /pages/60/6e/d0006282/home/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/odlinks/odl_main.php on line 407

    any idears? I would verymuch like to use your script.
    Best regards Andre

  21. Hi Piede,
    Sorry I forget to fix it.
    Please go to the line and simply remove the variable $id from bracket
    -function odlFbLike($id) {
    +function odlFbLike() {

    Thanks for report

  22. Changed… and cannot login any more, as well as changing back there is no chance to login..

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /pages/60/6e/d0006282/home/htdocs/wp-content
    /plugins/odlinks/odl_main.php:1) in /pages/60/6e/d0006282/home/htdocs/wp-login.php on line 354

    These are only warning and to disappear them
    locate the file wp-config.php in the base directory of your WordPress and
    add these lines to it
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, false);
    if (defined(‘WP_DEBUG’) and WP_DEBUG == true) {
    error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_USER_NOTICE);
    } else {
    ini_set(‘display_errors’, 0);

  23. Hello, can I get .sql for list of categories. Manually adding them is a painful task.
    Also how can I get seo friendly urls with this plugin.

  24. Hi, i install odlinks but i’ve one big problem! you can see mi odlink link here:

    it’s double  !!

    I have reviewed includes / odl_rss.php

    / *
    if (empty ($ wp)) {
    require_once (‘wp-config.php’);
    wp (‘feed = rss2’);
    * /
    but let me blank page
    i’ve installed Thesis 1.8 theme, please can you help me?

    I went on your page and saw no categories.
    do you already have created categories and subcategories.
    If not so, please create some under admin Interface.

  25. sorry, at that time was doing some testing with another subject and
    odlinks had not active, please come back now you can see it without problem, odlinksis active.
    excuse me, thanks

  26. Hi. I am using your plugin and facing some problems. I am using permalink structure /%postname%/

    Directory works fine on this page http://directory.x10.bz/odlinks/

    1. But problem comes when I want it to appear on home page http://directory.x10.bz
    I Goto WP Dashboard -> Settings -> Reading & select: A (select below) -> [[ODLINKS]]
    Then I can see directory on homepage http://directory.x10.bz, but when I navigate to any category, I get ‘Not Found’ error

    2. Categories appear in format http://directory.x10.bz/o/?_action=main&id=1&parent=0
    Is it possible to change them in format like http://directory.x10.bz/a

  27. Sorry Last line is:
    Is it possible to change them in format like http://directory.x10.bz/art-and-humanities/

    My .htaccess:

    Options -Indexes
    ErrorDocument 404 /docs/404.php
    ErrorDocument 403 /docs/404.php
    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine on
    # Unless you have set a different RewriteBase preceding this point,
    # you may delete or comment-out the following RewriteBase directive:
    RewriteBase /
    # if this request is for “/” or has already been rewritten to WP
    RewriteCond $1 ^(index\.php)?$ [OR]
    # or if request is for image, css, or js file
    RewriteCond $1 \.(gif|jpg|jpeg|png|css|js|ico)$ [NC,OR]
    # or if URL resolves to existing file
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
    # or if URL resolves to existing directory
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
    # then skip the rewrite to WP
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ – [S=1]
    # else rewrite the request to WP
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

  28. It is possible to show the x latest websites on the home page or in the sidebar ?
    What is the php code for that ?

    Thank for answer

  29. Great job!

    Just two questions (sorry if these have been asked) –

    (1) Is there a way to add links at the back end?  I need to add links by myself … I am starting a links directory and would like to open the site to the public with links already in the database.  It doesn’t look good if the site has no links in it yet. 

    (2) Is there a way to add the same link to different categories?  Right now, if I add a link to another category, it gives me an error msg saying that the link is already in the database.  Sometimes, a resource can be put under several categories.  I hope you are able to address that in your next upgrade. 

    Thank you so much.  You are doing good for humanity.

  30. I’m getting this error:
    Warning: Missing argument 1 for odlFbLike(), called in /home4/redspar1/public_html/gdse/wp-content/plugins/odlinks/odl_main.php on line 190 and defined in/home4/redspar1/public_html/gdse/wp-content/plugins/odlinks/odl_main.php on line407 
    Does anyone know how to fix it?  Thanks.

  31. Hi James. please download the plugin and install again,
    Maybe it’s fixed already or was already fixed. The line 407 does not exist.

  32. Can you please let me know where I can delete all table borders? I tried to modify the default them css file by giving the border =”0px;” and also “none;” but it seems does not work!

    Also is there anyway to make the url friendly?

  33. Great Plugin Mohammed!
    I’ve corrected the Spanish file, where would you like me to send you a copy?

    It was very nice from you.
    Please send it to info@forgani.com, Thanks ;)

  34. Hi,

    It’s a wonderful plugin but i’ve a little problem. When i’m testing the Recommend this site to a friend fonction, i have always an error on the confimation code.

    If any one have the solution, i’m interested.


  35. It’s really great plug in and thanks for introducing.

    Do we need to activate something in order to enable thumbshots photos? Still it remains thumbshots photos banner.

    Please help!

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