Install Home Assistant image on Debian and running it within a docker

This project started on 01 Dec. 2022

Raspberry Pis are good for Home Assistant application. They have low power consumption, but at the moment they are too expensive.
So I did a look into an alternative solution and found the thin client Fujitsu S920.

Below I would like to describe how I successfully installed the Home Assistant on it.


Model Fujitsu Futro S920
Memory: 4 GB DDR3-1600
Hard-disk: mSATA 8 GB. It’s not enough!
For Hassio installation will an SSD card at least 32 GB or more required.
Processor: AMD GX-222GC 15W 2.2GHz/ 2.4GHz 2CU 655MHz/ 800MHz

Preparing for OS Installation

removed Speaker
removed the smart card reader
removed internal mSATA 8GB and upgraded to a 128GB SATA/mSATA disk
(SATA data connector is under CPU cooler)

Download Debian live image

Download the debian latest live image for amd64 under (debian-live-11.5.0-amd64-standard.iso)
Next, download a tool for formatting and creating bootable USB flash drives: Rufus 3.21 Portable or any other tools

Connect a keyboard, monitor and a network cable (if there is no WLAN card in the computer) to the computer and complete the installation.

Debian configuration

log in as a root user ( super user)

apt update

Adding the created user entered by installation to the sudoer group (change the username to what you entered during installation)

usermod -aG sudo username
apt install openssh-server #(opessh-sftp-server)
systemctl status sshd
systemctl stop/start sshd

Manage the firewall. Let’s start with the minimum env. for main functionalities.

apt install ufw
ufw status
ufw status verbose
sudo ufw allow 22/tcp
sudo ufw allow 8123
sudo ufw allow 6052
sudo ufw enable

Check the IP-Address by command or read from and remember it 192.168.178.xx

hostname -I | awk '{print $1}'

Remote login via PuTTY

Open a terminal (for Linux) or a command line/PuTTy (for Windows) ssh [username]@[server IP]

apt update
apt dist-upgrade
apt autoremove

Install docker and dependencies over SSH using PuTTy:

apt-get install \
jq \
wget \
curl \
udisks \
libglib2.0-bin \
network-manager \
dbus \
/*  quickly installing the latest Docker-CE releases on the linux  */
curl -fsSL | sh

In order for a user who cannot run Docker correctly, the user must be added to the corresponding group account): root

sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)

Finally, restarts:

sudo reboot

When Docker installation is finished we check to see the version and test it:

docker --version
docker search hello-world
docker run hello-world

Setting up permissions To perform the installation:

We need to do the reboot again typing then:systemctl reboot

The moment to install Hassio with docker-compose

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install \
avahi-daemon \
cd $home
apt-get install docker-compose
git clone
cd hassio-compose
$ echo "SUPERVISOR_SHARE=/home/$USER/hassio-config" > .env
docker-compose up

Starting Home Assistant for the first time

To connect to the device, just enter the address in the browser: http:[IP Address]:8123
The System Quick Start Wizard opens.

Install Home Assistant supervised dependencies.
(or you installing OS Agent)

Download the latest Debian package from OS Agent GitHub release

dpkg -i homeassistant-supervised.deb

Machine types: for AMD CPUs you select generic-x86-64.

docker container ls -a "/init" "/init" "/init" "/init" "/init" "/init" "/init"

After it has finished running you should be able to access Home Assistant from:

Another alternative way to create containers

In your working directory example /home/my_user/

mkdir -p ./docker/homeassistant/ && mkdir -p ./docker/esphome/

Homeassistant container:
Create a file docker compose for homeassistant container:

vim ./docker/homeassistant/docker-compose.yml

Inside this file paste:

version: '3'
    container_name: homeassistant
    image: ""
      - /PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIG:/config
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host

/PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIG is the directory where we must mount the root volume of Home Assistant.

ESPHome container:
Create a file docker compose for ESPHome container:

vim ./docker/homeassistant/docker-compose.yml

Inside this file paste:

version: '3'
    container_name: esphome
    image: esphome/esphome
      - /path/to/esphome/config:/config
      - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
    restart: always
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host

/path/to/esphome/config is the directory where we must mount the config volume of ESPHOME.

Finally start containers with:

cd ./docker/<name>/
docker-compose up -d

HA IP_server: 8123
Esphome IP_server: 6052

some useful commands:

 docker --version
Docker version 20.10.21, build baeda1f

uname -a
lsb_release -a
docker ps
docker rm -f [Container_ID];

to purge all docker container and remove all stopped containers
containers, volumes, images

#!/usr/bin/env bash
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
echo y | docker system prune

Configuration of Home Assistent ->

1 Comment on “Home Assistant – Futjitsu Futro S920

  1. Not sure why you are stating that mSATA 8GB is not enough. I am running it on 8GB with no issued and free space is reported to be ~2GB. Probably only issue I will see for future – won’t be enough spacr for logs and data and I will beed to configure them to go to the SSD drive.

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